Online Imaging / Radiology CE Courses

Providing Safe Care by Preventing Healthcare Acquired Conditions and Serious Reportable Events

Author: Joann C. Wilcox, RN, MSN, LNC

4 Continuing Ed Credits - Imaging

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Serious Reportable Events (SRE’s).  SRE’s are defined as ”… a compilation of serious, largely preventable, and harmful clinical events, designed to help the healthcare field assess, measure, and report performance in providing safe care” (NQF, 2014).  The requirement to address and report SRE’s expanded from hospitals to clinical settings where patients receive care, including “office-based practices, ambulatory surgery centers, and skilled nursing facilities” (NQF, 2014).

As one is considering actions to take to avoid never-events/serious reportable events or healthcare acquired conditions from occurring, the focus needs to be on implementing an organizational structure and management style which promotes and expects individual competency and accountability for care and services provided.



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